Our Lives are Built from Our Choices - Day 46 of 365 Days to a Better You - Day 46

The Power of Choice

There is nowhere - not in the deepest, darkest cave or the highest mountain - where we can go and escape our choices. Look around right now. You will see the choices you have made everywhere you look.For better or worse and on some level, if we are adults, the life we are living is made up of the choices we have made and the choices we have not made.I know there's a temptation right now for some of you to feel the word "but" coming to your lips. I say with love and respect, stop. You have challenges. You've been cheated and mistreated. The world has not recognized your gifts. I hear you. Everyone reading this hears you. That's the human condition. We all start from that place.Our situations may be different, but who has lived more than a week on this planet and not experienced difficulty?I'm not saying this to point a finger at you or make you feel bad. I'm not saying it to diminish the challenges you've faced. Actually, what I'm telling you is an amazing blessing in disguise. It's the key to the chains of your thinking that have oppressed you.Because guess what? The fact that your choices lie strewn everywhere in your life is proof positive that you have the power - the power of CHOICE.You see, our choices every, every one of them, are our chances to change. By choosing differently, we can change anything.This power can be scary, for with it comes responsibility for our lives and our progress. Trust me, it's way better than feeling like someone else or something else is responsible for your joy, your peace of mind, or your success.What will you be next? Whatever you choose!Ray