Late Afternoon Motivation

Hope you're Wednesday has been all you wanted it to be! Here are a seven late-day affirmations. I LOVE the word refuse in affirmations. It's a resolute, determined, "I'm not putting up with any crap" kind of word. Sometimes, we need to drop the light and love and get a little attitude about being in the driver's seat of our lives.Here are some defiant affirmations to keep you squarely in your power.

  • I refuse to let what "they" say stop me!
  • I refuse to lose my dreams because I didn't try!
  • I refuse to believe the worst about myself or other human beings!
  • I refuse be knocked off track by distractions!
  • I refuse to give in! I refuse to give up!
  • I refuse to let my past decide my future!
  • I refuse to give in to negativity. I choose to remain positive!

Have a wonderful evening!RayThank you so much for reading the blog. Have you subscribed so you'll never miss a post? You can do so on the upper left menu.