The Two-Minute Vacation - Day 9 of 365 Days to a Better You

Take a Two-Minute Vacation

Good morning, my friendsWelcome to the ninth day of 2019. April and I are headed on the road this evening. We'll be spending a few days in L.A. and then traveling on to Kauai. I'm super pumped. It's been a couple years since we've been to our favorite place on Earth!It's interesting how the energy of certain places just resonates with us. We feel like we've temporarily stepped out of time and space. We get a moment to breathe again. Where is that for you?If you know where that is for you, I want you to stop what you're doing, sit back, and close your eyes.I want you to think about your favorite place in the world. It might be somewhere close to you or some dream vacation destination. Make sure it's that one place in the world where you feel your absolute best.OK. Got it? Close your eyes and take a deep breath. For the next 30 seconds, I want to you to completely experience that place. Visualize the sites, hear the sounds, smell the smells…be there. Be there for 60 seconds.Open your eyes. I bet you FEEL a lot better than you did 60 seconds ago. Drink in that feeling. Try to maintain that energy as you go through the rest of your day.Finally, do me a favor. Make plans, as soon as you are able, to return to that place. There's a reason you feel so good there. You need to spend more time. Whatever it takes, make it happen! You're worth it!I believe in your dreams! Meet me halfway and believe in them too.RayFor tons more motivational content, please visit the TAS website and YouTube channel.