Definite Goal and Burning Desire - Day 7 of 365 Days to a Better You

You need a definite goal and a burning desire to achieve it.

Wow! Already a week into the new year. Can you believe it? Last week I had you create a To-Be list for 2019. The big question always seems to be, "How do I get started?"In his 1938 mega-best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote:

There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it.

What the heck is a definiteness of purpose and how do you get a burning desire to achieve it? Much has been written about this topic over the years. Let's not complicate it. Go back and look at your To-Be List. What is your BIG goal for 2019? Is it so clearly stated (and so clear in your mind) that anyone reading your To-Be list could immediately recognize it?Definite Goal

  1. If not, rewrite your BIG goal in clearer language that makes it definite. Write it concisely and clearly.
  2. Place the clearly written version of your BIG goal somewhere you can see it regularly during the day.

Burning DesireThe second part of Hill's statement says you have to have a burning desire for it's achievement. What does that look like?

  1. Passion and Commitment - this should be something that gets you out of bed early in the morning and sometimes keeps you up late because you're so focused on it.
  2. Mental Energy - be thinking it about it all the time. The power and energy of your mind consistently focused on something is powerful!
  3. Physical Action - begin acting now on your goal, even if only small steps. Delay kills the momentum. Hill said you don't need a perfect plan. Just a rough one. You can adjust as you go.
  4. Create a vision board - which simply captures in images - powerful to your mind - of the things you will have when you achieve your BIG goal. It helps you visualize what your life will look like when you have achieved your BIG goal! (My wife is going to read this and remind me I still need to create mine for 2019. I will work on it along with you and post it when it's ready.
  5. Affirmations - our minds, especially today, are easily distracted and pulled off course. Our  belief and our passion can wax and wane from day-to-day. Affirmations keep you focused, believing, and constantly articulating your vision. This keeps the energy and the action high. (You will find everything you need to know about creating affirmations right here. You may also find some on the TAS site that match your goal and you can download them from there too.)

Stay inspired! 2019 is going to be the year you finally reach this goal or put a huge dent in it. Keep the momentum going. Get a definite purpose and a burning desire for it and you'll be off and running.RayJust a reminder, you may also find content that can help on my YouTube channel.