Sunday Midday Motivation - Reflections on Perfection

water-1759703_640Good afternoon, my friends!Hope you're having an AWESOME Sunday! I LOVE coining phrases and sharing passing reflections on ideas. When Twitter came along, it was the perfect tool for both sharing them and archiving them.I've always been a critic of perfectionism. My feeling is that it gets in the way of developing qualities and achieving results that really matter. It gets people stuck because, oddly enough, you never satisfy your perfectionistic tendencies. Meanwhile, life whizzes by.The only perfection I do believe in this the BIG picture which is comprised of a trillion trillion little imperfections - the ones that make all of us who we are. The ones that create the true perfection which is that cosmic picture that includes all the Yin and Yang of our lives.Here are 12 tweets I've posted over the years on perfection. I hope you'll find wisdom and inspiration in them!

  1. Perfection is negative self-talk disguised as something positive. It's a greedy master demanding more energy than the results yields.
  2. Whatever perfection we experience in life is found from letting go rather than grasping tight.
  3. What feels like pain in the moment is often recognized as perfection the rearview mirror.
  4. We stress over details, when we forget the perfection of the big picture.
  5. Excellence over perfection. Greatness over fame.
  6. Perfection! Just as the rose knows when to bloom and the cloud knows when to rain, you know when it's your moment to shine.
  7. Nothing is more overrated than perfection. Be great instead.
  8. Perfection is just a distraction. Make progress on your goal.
  9. There is perfection in the chaos. Do you see it? A wave rushing to shore looks like chaos, but every drop winds up exactly where it should be and so do you.
  10. Perfection is often nothing more than the senseless delaying of excellence.
  11. Imperfection is the only road to perfection.
  12. There is not one wasted person. EVERYONE - including you - is absolutely essential to the unfolding of the Universe's perfection.

Happy Sunday!RayIf you're enjoying these posts, you can find more motivational content on the TAS website and YouTube channel.