10 Promises to Keep

Today's Affirmation

I am heir to an abundant Universe. Today I claim my inheritance!


There comes a time to make certain commitments to yourself. That time is now. Here are 10 promises to make to yourself to begin getting the results you want in life.

Why is now the time? Because! Because you know that your dreams are right here, right now for you. You know that by following them, you will benefit you, benefit your family, benefit your friends, and benefit the planet. You came here to make a difference and today you do!

No judgment! Some days you will live up to these and some days you won’t, but if you seek to EVERY day, amazing things are on the way for you.

  1. Today I am ready to believe and I am ready to achieve!

  2. Today I seek solutions and results rather than problems and excuses!

  3. Today I take massive action on my dreams!

  4. Today I refuse to put off until tomorrow what will benefit me today!

  5. Today I refuse to put off until tomorrow what will benefit my family today!

  6. Today I refuse to put off until tomorrow what will benefit my friends today!

  7. Today I invest in me to get the best in me!

  8. Today I believe that setbacks are shortcuts to something better than I had planned!

  9. I came to the planet to make my difference and today I do!

  10. My dreams refuse to quit on me and I refuse to quit on my dreams!

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss! 
