Reach Top of the Mountain Affirmation (Download)

Reach Top of the Mountain Affirmation (Download)

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This affirmation is based on the famous quote by Sir Edmund Hilary. He was the first westerner to summit Mt. Everest. He said, "It's not the mountain you conquer, but yourself." He meant the challenge is never the thing in the outside world. The challenge is within us. As always, the affirmation is recorded in the first and second person for maximum impact. The video is courtesy of and The music, titled Healing Light, is by JJ Essep.

Affirmation: The affirmation repeats 12 times each in first and second-person.

  • First person: It is not the mountain I conquer, but myself. I am reaching for the top of the mountain. My day in the sun is here.

  • Second person. It not the mountain you conquer, but yourself. You are reaching for the top of the mountain. Your day in the sun is here.

Listen here or download the mp3 for your personal playlist.