I AM - The Two Most Powerful Words

i-am-461804_640Happy New Year's Eve to everyone Europe and west. Happy New Year to those of you ringing in 2019 already!As you enter 2019, I want you to be SUPER aware of two words that you probably say mindlessly hundreds of times a week...I AM. Other than your name, there are no other words in the English language (or any other) as powerful as I AM.As the pitcher and catcher are "the battery" on a baseball field, I AM is the battery of affirmations. The AM is actually an equals sign. Even though we say it often, this phrase has an untold power on our consciousness. I AM is really I =.I AM fat. I AM lazy. I AM cold. I AM happy. I AM always last in line. Each and every one of these are mindless affirmations telling pelting our subconscious with instructions on how to view the world. Perhaps more importantly, they are instructions to the Universe to help more of that show up. After all, we all like to be proven right.When feed I AM statements to ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, we are telling ourselves and the world WHO we are. Be cautious with this phrase. Use it with intention. Empower your mind, your body, and your spirit with I AM statements that support your highest self.Do that and I promise you 2019 will be your best year yet! Here, let me get you started on the right track. You are AMAZING. You are a ONE-IN-A-TRILLION MIRACLE. You are DESTINED TO GREAT THINGS!Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayFor more inspiring content, visit The Affirmation Spot website or YouTube channel.