Affirmation Tips: Listening to Your Affirmations

Hey, guys!IMG_1475I've been writing, recording, and using affirmations for many years. I've found that listening to affirmations in an audio format is the most effective way for me to add them to my busy schedule and get maximum benefit from them.Affirmations are still among the most powerful ways to shift your mindset in positive ways. Yes! Action is required, but empowered thinking is still the fuel for the action.Here are my tips using affirmations.

  • Listen passively - have you ever had that experience where you didn't think you were listening to the words of a song or a commercial and you suddenly know them? That's how listening passively to audio affirmations works. You listen while you're living your life. You may not think you're listening, but your subconscious is. With enough repetition they become conscious.
  • Listen meditatively - audio affirmations are great when used as a guided meditation. Listen consciously and with intent. Absorb and embody the words. Soon they become part of who you are.
  • Add them to your workout playlist - workout time or running time can be personal development time. Sure, you like listening to your favorite music, but mix the affirmations in with the songs. Physical exertion is an amazing way to help the affirmation impact your consciousness.
  • Listen in the morning - affirmations are an amazing way to start your day withe positive energy and vision. Listen to affirmations that inspire rather than talk radio that demotivates.
  • When you need them - play your affirmations on the way to a sales call, an interview, while you work in the garden, or in the locker room before the big game. Power words right before you face a situation can power up your game!
  • While you sleep - if your spouse or partner will allow you, listen to affirmations while you sleep. This is the unconscious working at its best. No conscious rejection. You're simply letting better thoughts fill your mind.

I've been doing this for more than 25 years. I've seen these techniques work over and over again. If you need some affirmations to listen download MP3 from my growing library or listen to them on my YouTube Channel.I'd love to hear your experiences and how this works for you!Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.Ray