Confidence Mantra Video

 abundance-man-posingThis recording is meant to be listened to while relaxing or meditating. Headphones make a better experience.The recording begins with three minutes of a single-word mantra - confidence. It continues with several affirmations invoking your confidence that life is happening FOR you.1) I AM confident.2) The doors that need to open always open for me.3) Whatever I need comes my way4) The information I need always appears exactly when I need it.5) The people I need to meet are coming my way.The recording closes with three more minutes of the confidence mantra. The whole thing is set to relaxing music theta waves for maximum effect.[wpvideo B7ai2H2C]If you love it, go here to download MP3 version to add to your playlist.Keep on rocking on!RayRay Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot, co-founder of 6 Sense Media, and author of Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation and .