Best Me Affirmation Video

Do you ever feel like your best you is right there? You can see it, taste it, smell it.With repeated listening, the Best Me affirmation helps you believe in the best you and become that person.The Relaxing version of this affirmation is set to ocean waves. It encourages you to be and reminds you that you are the best you can be each day. Allow the words to pour over you. Absorb them consciously. Know for certain that each and every moment you are doing the best you can until you can do better.May it inspire you to be confident, to forgive, to give yourself a break, and to push yourself to be more than you were yesterday. [wpvideo XMKRmYNK]The affirmation is recorded in the first and second person.

  • Day after day, I am the BEST me I can be.
  • Day after day, You are the BEST you you can be.

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