Use But To Power Up Your Affirmations

From time immemorial, back through Hay, Peale, W. Clement Stone, and Wallace Wattles, it has been affirmation heresy to use words that are perceived as negative in an affirmation. I have one thing to say about that - BUT.

Actually, the advice these affirmation gurus is sound advice. What they taught us is to word affirmations in a way that affirms what you want not what you don't want.

Example: I am winning rather than I don't want to lose.

BUT Many years ago, when I started using and writing affirmations, I noticed how powerful the word BUT can be when used in an affirmation. I call this negating and affirming.

BUT is a very powerful word in the English language. It consciously and unconsciously negates what was said before it. You hear examples every day and you have experienced its power.

  • "I love you, BUT..."

  • "You're great at what you do, BUT..."

What do those BUTs communicate? They are overt negations of your preamble. They completely undermine what you said and replace it with what you say next. Often, a criticism follows a BUT.

BUT, used in an affirmation, BUT can boost the power of the affirmation. It negates the negative thought and adds power to the affirmation that comes after. You can say something positive about the issue, negative thought, or even perceived challenge, negate it with BUT, and then follow that with an affirmation to overcome it.


  • Alcohol is strong, BUT I AM stronger!

  • Getting published is tough, BUT I AM tougher. My book is getting published.

  • I may face setbacks, BUT I am overcoming them!

Try this technique. Use the power of negation to negate your challenges and then lay and affirmation right behind them.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
