10 CEO Affirmations

As you already know, being a CEO is a complex and demanding job. The demand to a rockstar socially, politically, and financially have never been greater. The affirmations are written with the demands of your job in mind. These affirmations are mainly for chief executives at large, publicly traded companies.

Affirmations are a powerful tool to put your mind on your side. For best results, use these affirmations daily for 30 days and then periodically thereafter.

Record them, post them on your phone, even say them to yourself to really infuse your mind.

  1. I am willing to make bold moves based on the best available information.

  2. I have a vision for this company (or insert company name) and I am it’s chief ambassador every day.

  3. I make smart people decisions to surround myself with the best and brightest people.

  4. I handle the investment community with wisdom and tact.

  5. I embody excellence and drive it down through my entire organization every day.

  6. I refuse to accept failure, but I accept setbacks and I always learn from them.

  7. I know when I put my people first, I gain buy in for the challenges we must solve together..

  8. I am just the right mix of flexible and tough. I am leading this company (or insert company name) to new heights.

  9. I am a better CEO than I was yesterday and tomorrow I am better than today.

  10. I am a great leader. I earned this role. I deserve this role. Today and every day, I show my board I was the right hire.

I hope these really hit home and speak to you where you are today. Even CEOs need to pit their minds in their side.
