Poem: Ultimate Reality

There are many ways to view the deeper nature of the reality around us.I wrote this poem in 1993, as one way of seeing that reality.It expresses the sense of wholeness, devoid of our individual personalities, that underlies the nature of our existence.It's a bit existential with some Buddhist overtones. I hope you enjoy and that it makes you think."Ultimate Reality"Cling not to what is fleetingAll is fleeting, therefore, cling not.Matter and energy, time and spaceAre but reflections in the void.Desire nothing and everything shall you attainHave everything and, in truth, nothing is yours.For no holder is there and nothing held;And nothing to hold, only unity.I am but a process in gentle progress; simplyInter-connected energy flowing in a mannerCreated by what has come to pass,Its interaction bringing forth the future.No self may be found behind the process,Only a conscious part of a greater wholeMoving back and forth as far as may be seenYet, verily, never having moved at all.Copyright 1993 Ray DavisFollow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayFor more great motivational content, please check out the TAS website and YouTube channel.

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