66 Health, Fitness, and Weight Loss Affirmations
Today's Thought:
To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."
~ Buddha
On our health, rides every other aspect of our life in this world. Nothing is more important to your health and well-being than having your mind aligned and focused on the healthiest self possible for you.Today's affirmations focus on health, fitness, and weight loss. This is not a completed list. I will be adding to it.If you have suggestions for specific affirmation topics in this category, please leave a comment.
- Breathing in, I feel healthy. Breathing out, I AM healthy.
- Step by step and rep by rep, I am creating my ideal body!
- Today I choose health and wellness over illness in my life.
- I am fit! I am healthy! I am strong!
- When I eat right, I feel right!
- The more water I drink the better I feel!
- My life is what I make of it and today I choose to make it healthy place to be.
- No (insert disease or condition) for me! My immune system is healthy, strong, and protecting me right now!
- Today I cease my focus on the weight I have to lose and focus completely on the me I am creating!
- When I feel good, I exercise. When I exercise, I feel good.
- Today and every day, I cleanse my being with the life force of my breath.
- I AM healthy in mind, body, and spirit!
- My body is a marvelous machine that supports and meets my every need!
- Day by day, my body is transforming into the vision I have for it.
- Today I am healthy, strong, and disease-free!
- I am strong, vibrant, and healthy!
- Today and every day, I express my gratitude for my good health.
- Today I am blessed by the beautiful and delicious food that brings me to full health!
- My pain is limited to my body. I am constantly connected to something far greater than my body.
- As my reasons for holding on to my excess weight melt away, so does the weight.
- Today I am shedding the pounds as I shred my self doubt.
- Today nothing, and I mean nothing, stands between me and my goal weight. I am there before I know it!
Day by day, I am losing the weight and the people around me are taking notice.
- My heart beats strong and healthy!
- My lungs breathe clear and strong!
- Day in and day out, I develop the habits of health!
- My body is the very picture of health and vitality!
- Today I am shedding pounds as i shred my self-doubt!
- My body is a well-oiled machine ready to meet my every need!
- I pay attention to the needs of my body. I feed it, exercise it, and love it!
- Today I push my limits in the gym so that tomorrow I can push the limits in my life!
- Today I am transforming my body into calorie-burning machine.
- As my self-confidence rises, the number on the scale drops!
- Who I am transcends a number on a scale! Today I focus on my health not my weight!
- Today I experience vibrant health and profound well-being!
- Even at the height of my pain, I experience moments of release, contentment, and joy.
- I may have to live with pain, but I absolutely refuse to be defined by it!
- I love and accept myself at my current weight, even as I march pound by pound to my goal weight!
- My contributions to life measure my self-worth not the scale!
- Happiness is an attitude not a number on a scale! I refuse to be defined by my weight!
- I beyond the need for food to fill me up. My life is full of people and activities that do it.
- I cannot lose 100 pounds this week, but I CAN lose three pounds and I AM!
- Today I see myself at my goal weight. I feel my feelings at my goal weight. I see the clothes I wear. I see the experiences I have. I hear the compliments I receive. Today I am my goal weight. Today I am my goal weight. Today I am my goal weight.
- Day by day, I am transforming my body into a high performance machine!
- My weight loss is within me. My diet is only a tool to get me to my goal.
- As I commit to my exercise program, I transform my body!
- Step by step and rep by rep, I am losing pounds and inches today!
- A fit, healthy person lives within me. Today that person emerges.
- Today I eat for my goal weight! Today I exercise for my goal weight! Today I AM my goal weight!
- The more I bike the better I feel and the better I feel the more I bike!
- The more I run, the better I feel and the better I feel the more I run!
- I am slender, strong, and perfectly conditioned.
- The longer I exercise the stronger I get and the stronger I get the longer I exercise!
- I am an immaculate being of light. Perfect in form and function. My body is a marvelous machine that supports and meets my every need.
- My weight is meaningless in the big picture. Today I release the need to weigh one pound more than I want to!
- Pound by pound, inch by inch, choice by choice I am becoming healthy and fit!
- I struggle, but I grow. I fall, but I get up. Even amid adversity, I keep moving towards my goal weight.
- Today my portion size is shrinking and so is my waistline.
- I am beautiful, I am fit, I am healthy; and more so every day!
- Today I am making the choices and the changes to have the body I want!
- Today and every day, I feel the momentum building in my life for a healthy, fit lifestyle.
- I love my body and today I treat it with the respect it deserves.
- I deserve a healthy, fit body and today I claim it!
- Today I weigh less than yesterday and tomorrow I weigh even less!
- Today I am seeing the new, slimmer me in the mirror and I love that!
- Today I am making peace with food. Food nourishes my body, but I nourish my soul!
I believe in your dreams. Meet me halfway and believe in them too.RayRay Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He's been studying and practicing personal development for 30 years. He's also studied many of the world's spiritual traditions and mythologies.Find more TAS motivational content.Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter