25 Buddhist Affirmations

Today's Thought

All that we are, is the result of what we have thought.
~ Buddha

Siddartha Gautama, known to history as the Buddha, was one of the world’s great teachers. He proposed a philosophy that involved the human being taking responsibility for his or her destiny. He encouraged an understanding of the impermanence of life and it’s trappings. He also believed in the power of the human mind to transform the human condition.

These affirmations are meant to help you, as a practicing Buddhist, put your mind on your side. They focus encouraging your practice and shifting your mindsets in productive directions.


25 Buddhist Affirmations

Here are some affirmations for Buddhists and those interested in adopting a Buddhist approach in their life and thinking.

  1. I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dharma. I take refuge in the Sangha.

  2. Today I am happy. Today I am peaceful. Today I am free from suffering!

  3. Today and every  day, I am committed to my meditation practice.

  4. I practice Metta everywhere I go and in everything I do!

  5. Today my inner lotus blossoms, as I release attachments and turn my face to the sun.

  6. Today I find the pearls of my enlightenment scattered along my path.

  7. Today I seek enlightenment. Today I experience enlightenment. Today I am enlightened.

  8. Today I release my attachment to transitory circumstances and appearances.

  9. The great teachers of the past showed me the way and today I am making the effort to follow their path.

  10. Today I clearly see the beauty in a flower and my whole world changes.

  11. I am the very embodiment of love and compassion in all my interactions with others.

  12. I work diligently to make peace, love, and compassion my way of life.

  13. Nirvana is mine when I have the strength to choose it.

  14. Today I am practicing right view in all my thoughts, words, and actions.

  15. Today I am practicing right intention with all my thoughts, words, and actions.

  16. Today I am practicing right speech with every word I say.

  17. Today I am practicing right action with everything I do.

  18. Today I am practicing right livelihood in your job and in all your career choices.

  19. Today I am practicing right effort with all my thoughts, words, and actions.

  20. Today I am practicing right mindfulness with all my thoughts, words, and actions.

  21. Today I am achieving right concentration during my meditations.

  22. As love grows within me, my hatred goes away.

  23. Breathing in, I feel peace. Breathing out, I am peace.

  24. My world is what I make of it and today, I CHOOSE to make it a compassionate place to be!

  25. My mind is peace. My path is peace. My life is peace.


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