Young Living Essential Oils - The Affirmation Spot for Friday August 5, 2011

Today's Affirmation:My health is in my hands! Choice by choice, I create amazing health and vitality.Most of the time I focus on mental empowerment on this blog. Our minds are very powerful tools and can do amazing things in our lives. Of course, we must care for the physical body that houses are minds too. That is the reason for today's topic.A few months ago my wife, April, and I were introduced to Young Living Essential Oils by a friend. For years, I'd heard people extolling the benefits of oils, but had never looked into them myself.We were so impressed by the results we experienced with the few initial oils we purchased, that we decided to become distributors. Over the past few months, the oils have become a part of our daily routines and we LOVE them! I'm also pleased to be involved with a company like Young Living that is committed to creating quality products that contribute to the well-being of human beings and pets, protecting the environment, and giving back to communities where Young Living products are grown and distilled.The more I use and learn about essential oils, the more convinced I become that these products have an amazing contribution to make in the lives of anyone who uses them. I know they have in our lives.We both use En-R-Gee and Brain Power. These are two of Young Living's blends. I have found that using Brain Power on my forehead, temples, and the top of my head provides about 30-45 minutes of enhanced mental clarity and alertness. I apply the EN-R-Gee to my the bottoms of my feet one to three times a day. Within a few minutes, I feel a definite boost in energy. These are just two of the oils we've been using and benefiting from. April swears by the Lavender for creating the calm for a good night's sleep. I recently used Oregano to reduce the risk of infection after a tick bite. The list goes on and on.Tip: Peppermint oil is great for reducing fevers. I put some on my feet before I took Mia, our lab, for a walk on the hottest day here in 27 years this week. Because of its properties, Peppermint is one oil you can feel moving through your body. I was amazed at how quickly I felt it moving up my legs and the the rest of the body. By the end of the walk, I could feel it on my forehead. This is a great example of how quickly even a few drops of these oils can deliver their beneficial ingredients through the body. Very impressive.Here's a quick video providing an overview of Young Living[youtube=]I'd like to invite you to learn more about these essential oils. I've set up a personal site on the Young Living site. April and I primarily joined Young Living to get the distributor discount, but there is also an amazing business opportunity, if that's your goal right now.Check out the site and I would love to hear your feedback or personal experiences with essential oils. If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them or get the answers for you.Learn More Now About Young Living Essential OilsFollow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.Thanks for sharing this page with a friend!Yahoo! My Web Gmail Google Stumbleupon Digg it Twitter RedditMySpace Facebook
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