It's Probably Too Good to Be True!
Today's Thought:There are no hidden truths, only closed eyes."We've all heard the saying, "It's probably too good to be true." Stop! Let me ask you a question. Do you really believe that? Listen to it again. "It's probably too good to be true."Do you see the problem there? It reinforces the belief that those things in life that are really good, can't be true. The underlying subtext is, "at least not for me." Maybe good things happen for that rich guy or that famous singer, but not for me.There are a plethora of similar popular sayings that float around in our society, and worse, are planted in our minds. Why do people, and perhaps you, believe such things? Well, the evidence is all around us, isn't it? Most of us are exposed to other people like ourselves who believe such things and are constantly manifesting precisely what they believe. Namely, that good things don't happen for them.That's what the 95% who never make their dreams come true in life and the 5% who do have in common. They both manifest precisely what they believe. That's what our minds do. That's why positive thinking and tools like affirmations are so important and why negative thinking should rank right up there with other diseases as a scourge on humanity and to human beings.Unfortunately, many institutions in our society broadcast those disempowering messages 24/7 and the people around us often just parrot what they hear from those institutions. Small thinking is reinforced by small thinking and is reinforced by the small results it achieves. I like to say that big thinking may not guarantee results, but small thinking always does.That rich guy and that famous singer have, either consciously or unconsciously, come to understand that reality CAN be good. They have come believe that "It's so good, it must be true for me." No one is 100%, but that is what they're thinking more times than not as they manifest success, happiness, and wealth. It's simple law of attraction in practice. They are attracting what they believe and you are attracting what you believe.What about you? Are you going to continue believing that life is something that happens "out there" and "to you" or are you going to accept the fact that life is something that happens "in here" and "by you"? Are you going to see that there is nothing unrealistic about the positive side of life and nothing more realistic about the negative?The choice is yours. Your success and happiness in life depend upon it. Because we pass our beliefs generationally, your children's and their children's success and happiness depend on it too. They depend on you owning the power within you and seeing that your world is always and everywhere filled with possibility and opportunity.Will you remain in the 95% who think life has victimized them or join the 5% who know that life's best is right there for them? Get your small thinking out of the way and BIG things will happen for you.Follow your bliss! Discover your bliss! Become your bliss!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life. and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.Thanks for sharing this page with a friend!
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