One With The Ocean Affirmation: The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday October 19, 2010

Today's Affirmation:I am one with the ocean. The ebb and flow of the sea merges with my breath to create a profound calm.Here is something to ponder today. We have two choices in every moment of our lives. Both are always open to us in every situation. We can change the world or we can change our thoughts about the world. One may take longer, but more universal. One takes just a moment, but can transform us.What is not an option is helplessness. You were not born to be helpless. You were born to be great and amazing. There is never a situation that cannot be morphed by changing the world or changing your thoughts. Which tool you use depends on you and the situation.For now, use today's affirmation as you watch this stunningly beautiful video from The North Shore of Oahu, HI. Blend your thoughts, your breaths, and your transitioning posidigms into something great today. And, if for just this moment, experience Sir Edwin Arnold's beautiful metaphor by becoming "the dewdrop [that] slips into the shining sea."Enjoy your North Shore meditation!Stay inspired!RayAdd to DeliciousAdd to DiggAdd to FaceBookAdd to Google BookmarkAdd to RedditAdd to StumbleUponAdd to TechnoratiAdd to Twitter[youtube=]