The Power to Be You Introduction
This morning I am sharing the complete introduction to my new ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life.The introduction says a great deal about why I do what I am doing. Enjoy it. Please feel free to comment! There is a special offer at the bottom for readers of this blog.
The Power to Be YouIntroduction
Power to Be You is unlike any motivation book you’ve ever read. The book is comprised of over 400 daily thoughts that you can ponder, pray, or meditate upon. Some are calls to action and some are calls to deeper thought and insight into the nature of our reality.
The book is written to purposely speak in a frank and direct tone designed to shake you loose from unproductive and unhealthy paradigms. The ultimate goal is help you become confident and empowered enough to embrace and become the person you came to the planet to be and support and help everyone around you in doing the same.For thousands of years, thinkers, sages, and saints have recognized the power of thoughts, words, and ideas to transform the human being and his or her surroundings. For nearly as long, societies have sought to limit the right and quench the desire of individuals to do just that.
The reasons for this are many and worthy of study in their own right. That, however, is not within the scope of this book. Suffice it to say that history is the tale of a running battle between the individual’s right to explore the meaning and purpose of his or her existence and the state’s desire to limit or even forbid it.
You need only look at the famous examples of Socrates, Jesus, and even Galileo to see how societies deal with those who rock the boat - especially in the realm of expanding human knowledge or empowering individualsSocieties have sought to mold and control their citizens through political, social, economic, and religious institutions that serve the society not its members. These entities employ many methods of control, but most center on fear-based tactics. In the political realm, the methods are usually internal division and external threat as a means of keeping citizens divided, confused, and afraid. In the social sphere, it is the fear of being an outcast or “uncool” that keeps people in line. Economically, financial panic can ensue from a trusted authority uttering the word “recession”.
People and businesses are conditioned how to respond to that word and the behavior causes the mental seed to become a physical reality. From a religious standpoint, it is the fear of death and the afterlife that keep people under control. Sadly, modern “free democracies” have not been the solution to these problems that many envisioned. The fact is they have had to become far more sophisticated than their totalitarian counterparts. This is because they must persuade the people to vote for and support themeans of control imposed upon them.
In the age of mass communication, advertisers have perfected messages that bypass reason and directly access emotional centers in your brain. This is rather harmless when someone is simply selling you deodorant, but becomes another story when war or social reforms are the products being pitched. Selling these kinds of “high ticket” items requires the fear to be amped up to ever higher a very effective drug, but like most drugs, people become accustomed to one level and require more and more fear to elicit a response. That means that each time leaders go to the fear well they have to provide ever heavier doses of fear to keep the population in line and on board.Please keep in mind that fear equals individual disempowerment for the unaware. When you are afraid you don’t think rationally. You agree to things you would never consent to in a normal frame of mind. You tend exhibit higher mistrust of others. You are less likely to question the decisions of leaders. You want to be made safe. Certainly, you are not on the path to higher awakening, self-understanding, or an exploration of the meaning of your existence when fear is your frame of reference.
The thoughts in this book help you to reverse the trend of fear in your thinking and counter it with a daily dose of thought-provoking posidigms (positive + paradigms). These posidigms focus on motivating and empowering you to transform your thinking about what is possible for you, possible for those around you, and possible for this world.In some instances, the thoughts take direct aim at the disempowering messages and agendas themselves in an attempt to create a moment of awakening that encourages you and take a fresh look at their value to you and to our society.Many of the ideas in The Power to Be You will resonate with you immediately. They tackle common motivational topics such as wealth, abundance, confidence, success, and health. However, this book does not shy away from tough issues. It challenges your humanity and your desire to improve and grow.Many of the ideas end with a question to challenge you to consider the topic further or to act. All focus on delivering on the title by providing you with insight and opportunity to throw off the conditioning andbecome more fully you.As a daily guide or a one-time read, it is my sincere intention that The Power to Be You have a profound impact on the way you approach life and on your ability to live your life on your terms.Whether you have purchased the book as an iPad application or in another format, the book is essentially a PDF document. This means that you can do key word searches when you want access to your favorite thoughts. Try printing your favorites and posting them. Where you can see them during the day.The book is formatted as a series of 366 thoughts (one for leap year) formatted as a daily calendar. The dates are not year specific so that you can use the book year after year. Then there are 50 bonus thoughts to bring the total to 416 (407 iPad version)This book is about breaking through paradigms, shaking the status quo, and moving to higher levels of success, happiness, and fulfillment.Be Empowered!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.He is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 - Revelation - is now available in paperback and on Kindle. This trilogy takes Ancient Aliens out of the past and into the present. An interstellar, interdimensional journey ensues with humanity's future hanging in the balance.