Dreams Affirmations - The Affirmation Spot for Friday February 19, 2010

Today's Affirmation Topic: Dreams

  • I am the engine of my dreams. My dreams never give up on
  • me and I never give up on them!
  • I dream my dreams to live them not just to dream them!
  • My dreams are the fuel that powers me to my destination! Today I choose to follow them!
  • I am here on this planet to live not just think about living. Today I take bold action on my dreams!
  • Today I am converting the energy of my dreams into the momentum of action!
  • I am the creator and manifestor of my dreams! Today I am making them come true!
  • Today I allow my dreams to do the driving rather than my doubts!
  • Today I live the life of my dreams while I'm awake!
  • I am absolutely committed to my dreams! Today I make surethey don't get lost in the shuffle of life.
  • My dreams are coming true each and every day!

Stay inspired and keep dreaming!Ray2010 Affirmation"2010 is MY year! This is the year I break free! This is the year I break through! This is the year I break out!"