Compassion As A Global Mission - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday February 18, 2010

I really have little to add to this wonderful video I discovered on YouTube this evening. The message of universal compassion is one that needs to be heard and heeded in our modern world. What a great way to say it![youtube=]Compassion Affirmations

  1. Today and every day, I am the very embodiment of compassion!
  2. My world is what I make of it and I CHOOSE to make it a compassionate place to be!
  3. I am the very embodiment of love and compassion in all my interactions with others.
  4. Today and every day, I am a part of solving the compassion deficit in my world!
  5. Today I care for the Earth by caring for my fellow human beings and expanding compassion on our planet.
  6. I believe wholeheartedly that I am part of the solution in my life and in my world.
  7. The world needs my compassion! Today and every day, I make a difference!
  8. Compassion's ROI is measured not on bottom lines, but from the bottom of our hearts.
  9. Today I honor, expand, and share the compassion that lives within me!
  10. Compassion is a force of nature that transforms everyone it touches.

Stay inspired! Be compassionate!Ray2010 Affirmation"2010 is MY year! This is the year I break free! This is the year I break through! This is the year I break out!"