The Valentine's Day Affirmations Page
Valentine's Day is fast approaching. It's a day when we celebrate the concept of romantic love. For those of you fortunate enough to have that special someone in your life, congratulations. Enjoy and cherish that opportunity to spend your life with someone who means the world to you. What an amazing gift to find that best friend, partner, and lover for life.
For those still searching, take heart. Use this Valentine's Day to celebrate your love for yourself. It's a lot better than spending the day unhappy and depressed. When was the last time you did something really nice for yourself? Do it on Valentine’s Day!
I spent a lot of Valentine's Days wishing I could find that special person to make that special connection. It was when I began affirming and consciously attracting that person rather than wishing that things changed for me.I was 34 years old when I met April. There is nothing in this world like finding that right someone to spend your life with.
Whatever your situation, affirm where you are now and affirm where you want your current relationship or a perspective relationship to be.When you do amazing things begin to happen. Your someone is out there too!So, this Valentine's Day, whether you're in love or in looking, here are some affirmations to celebrate, attract, and appreciate love into your life.
Love Affirmations/Relationship Affirmations
I am a great wife/girlfriend. I've mastered the art of when to give my husband/boyfriend love and support and when to give him his space.
I am a great husband/boyfriend. I always remember to do the little things that makes my wife's /girlfriend's life happy.
It's not perfection, but connection I seek in my relationship and today I find it!
Today and every day, love is the foundation of my relationship and joy is the result!
I am perfectly attuned to my soulmate. We are two beings working together towards common goals.
Today and every day, my world is a better place because [insert name] is a part of my life!
My relationship is rooted in the fertile soil of love. Stormy moments only push the roots deeper.
My relationship is becoming more loving and more open each and every day.
My soul mate and I are two parts of one whole. Nothing can keep us apart!
Today I remember there is more to my relationship than always getting what I want!
I care about and contribute to my partner's happiness, but I am not responsible for it.
My [significant other] and I are a team. We are defining and achieving our dreams together.
Today I am committed to my relationship. I want it to work and it is!
Day in and day out, my relationship embraces me with feelings of connection and love.
I am enjoying a relationship that brings the love and understanding I deserve in my life.
Today and every day, my relationship thrives on love and acceptance.
Today I nourish my most important relationship so that it can flourish far into the future.
My relationship is what I make of it and I CHOOSE to create a relationship that nourishes my spirit!
Attracting Love
I deserve a great guy/girl in my life! He/she is coming my way right now!
I am attracting a relationship that brings the love and understanding I deserve in my life.
Opportunities for love are abundant in my life!
Today I know that Mr./Ms. Right is coming my way now. I can just feel it!
Today and every day, I am meeting interesting (guys/women) with soulmate potential!
I am whole and complete with a relationship or without!
My soulmate and I are on an unavoidable collision course. Today we are one step closer to finding each other.
Today I am attracting only the most incredible men/women into my life!
There is someone out there for me and today I am closer tha ever to finding him/her!
The woman/man of my dreams is walking into my life right now!
I attract only the relationships I deserve. Today I get the best because I deserve the best!
Every relationship risks heartbreak, but there is a relationship out there for me that is worth every risk!
Today I am making room in my life for the special relationship I seek. That relationship is coming to me now.
Long Distance Love
The distance is a plus in my relationship right now. It forces communication and communication builds trust.
Today and every day the distance between us is bridged by love.
Miles can separate our bodies, but I refuse to let them separate our hearts!
Today and every day, I send my heart to you at the velocity of love!
Remembering Love
I experience this wave of pain today, but I deserve the best in my relationship and I will have it!
Often I grieve for my loss, but today I am healed by the memory of our love.
Today I am strong enough to face all my tomorrows because of all my yesterdays with you!
True love never dies and today I am warmly embraced by our endless love.
Healing a Relationship
My relationship is a cornerstone in my life. Today I seek solutions not blame!
Our relationship is built on forgiveness. Today forgiveness is creating a new day for our relationship!
I willingly give respect in my relationship and I demand the same in return!
I am trusted to the degree I trust. Today we are building a relationship fueled by the trust I give!
I willingly give respect in my relationship and I demand the same in return!
As I become a stronger person, I become a better partner!
I lovingly stand my ground in my relationship and demand the respect I deserve!
Today I am rebuilding my relationship. I am absolutely committed to making it stronger than ever before.
I am 100% committed to saving my relationship. Today I communicate it unequivocally on every level!
I am a strong, independent person who is absolutely committed to making my relationship work.
Today my relationship is built on the desire to be understood rather than the need to be right.
Self Love
I AM beautiful! I AM worthy! I AM me and proud of it!
My beauty flows from inside to out. As I recognize my inner beauty, my outer beauty blossoms.
To see the beauty I want to see in the world, I must first see it in me. Today I see it clearly!
I unconditionally love and respect myself in every way.
Those who told me I was unworthy were wrong. I AM worthy! I'm more sure of it today than ever before!
I am the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am glad to be who I am!
As I feel more attractive, I AM more attractive. Today I am very attractive!
Being who I am is a blessing and a rush. There's no one else I'd rather be!
I am a unique and worthy person. I require no more justification than that to be exactly who I am.
I am beautiful in mind, beautiful in body, beautiful in spirit.