15 Greatness Affirmations and Original Quotes

Today's topic is greatness. You know you and everyone and everything around you is an absolute miracle. The odds that you are even be here against the astronomical possibilities otherwise confirms your status as a miracle.

Just to remind you; here are a few thoughts and affirmations to remind you of your greatness. Hope you find the one that sparks your greatness today! You ARE a one in a trillion miracle!

  1. Go ahead! Give in to your greatness!

  2. Always Remember to see your greatness and help those around you see theirs!

  3. The Prego Rule of Greatness: When you look for your greatness within; you find it because, "It's in there!"

  4. You think less of yourself than you should. Remember your greatness!

  5. Your greatness is locked in a box called "Believing in Yourself". You have the key!

  6. Worry more about the false humility of denying your greatness rather than the vanity of just admitting to it! You're amazing!

  7. Today I am the Johnny Appleseed of greatness; the Paul Revere of possibility here to remind those around me who they truly are.

  8. Today I release older lesser versions of myself and grow into my greatness!

  9. I am a magnificent possibility headed for certain greatness!

  10. My greatness is revealed not by the lights that shine upon me, but by the light that shines within me.

  11. I believe in myself. I believe in my now. I believe in my future. I believe in my greatness!

  12. I may not be perfect, but I have ALWAYS been great!

  13. Today I thunder away at my doubts and weaknesses. As I do, they fade away and my greatness emerges!

  14. It's time for every person on this planet to embrace his or her greatness and pursue his or her dreams.

  15. My weaknesses are invisible in the radiant light of my greatness!

Be the person you came to the planet to be!
