13 Love Affirmations - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday February 4, 2010

The Beatles sang, "All you need is love." Shakespeare wrote, "Love cometh like sunshine after rain." February is the month we set aside to honor this powerful force in our lives.Today I've compiled some of my favorite love affirmations from my posts to Twitter. These affirmations focus on the broad, universal sense of love. A little later in the month I will post some affirmations for you romantics out there.Hope you enjoy and that love surrounds you today.

  1. Love is me tuned into the home channel of my being. Today it is transmitting loud and clear in my life!
  2. Love always listens before it speaks. Today I emulate love in my life!
  3. Love is where trust and compassion merge. My trust and compassion are creating an avalanche of love in my life right now.
  4. Love greets me at every turn today. My life is filled with loving people and moments.
  5. I unconditionally love and accept myself in every way.
  6. My world is what I make of it and I CHOOSE to make it a loving place to be!
  7. Deep within I know that love is more than a feeling that comes and goes. Love is the cosmic soup in which I dwell.
  8. The love I put out into the world is returned to me. I expect it and I receive it.
  9. I dwell in ever expanding waves of divine love.
  10. As the love in my life accelerates, my happiness increases!
  11. Today and every day, I put love at the center of my life. As I do, I see everything transform!
  12. Today I am the epicenter of a massive eruption of love and understanding!
  13. Day by day, love wins a resolute victory over fear in my life!

Stay inspired!Ray2010 Affirmation"2010 is MY year! This is the year I break free! This is the year I break through! This is the year I break out!"