The Promise of A New Life - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday November 12, 2009

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grass_through_snow.jpgToday's affirmation is:


"Difficulities are doorways to something better than I had planned." "The entire cosmos is made up of clashing forces and polarities, yet without this seeming conflict, the universe itself could not exist. Life is a dance of opposites that involves destruction, rebirth, pain, and joy."~ David FidelerThe powerful symbology is important in Fideler's quote. We have many of familiar aphorisms that confirm this idea such as, "It's always darkest just before the dawn," or even that famous gym affirmation "no pain, no gain."It is certainly a very old and very common human concept that out of pain, difficulty, and death comes new life. The Hindus recognize this interplay in their personification of Shiva, "The God of Destruction," who is also recognized as the "Bringer of New Birth." The Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh talks about the cycle of the beautiful rose that dies, becomes garbage, and then can be used as fertilizer to grow a new rose.For whatever reason, adversity is often the birthplace of the best things in our lives. Think about your own past. Even though you dread the pain and struggle that comes with tough times, were those times not the seeds of some of your greatest triumphs?So, am I extolling the virtues of pain and suffering? Suggesting that you should go looking for difficulty as a kind of initiation experience leading the greater joy? No.As the saying goes, "Into every life, a little rain must fall." We all face the proverbial winter in our lives. Things seem bleak, lifeless, maybe even hopeless. Yet, even on the coldest day of winter, the signs of new life are only inches below the surface waiting to emerge.This is just a reminder - in case you are experiencing one of those times right now or for when you experience it in the future - to always be looking for the spring sprouts of new life. You can count on them always being there, if only you look closely enough. For as surely as the seasons come and go in nature, they come and go in our lives.Hope everyone is enjoying spring in their lives today, but if not be looking for its signs.Be peaceful Be prosperousRay2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"