The Power of L.O.S.S. - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday November 10, 2009

Check Out Our Cool New Affirmation Apps:
Check out our new affirmation apps for Apple devices or search i-mobilize on the iTunes store. The Affirmation Spot is developing these motivation apps in partnership with i-mobilize. Click an app to view it - Love Magnet, Sales Booster, Confidence Affirmation, or Full Body Scan.



head_in_handsMany people see losing or a loss as a very negative thing. Like anything else, losing is all in how you look at it. A well-studied loss can be every bit as valuable in our journey as a victory. I'm not saying that losing is more fun than winning or that winning isn't valuable. Clearly, we all want to win.The truth is that most winners had to experience losing before they ever succeeded. So what if you chose to look at your losses in a slightly different light. A loss might be seen as Lessons and Obstacles on your way to Stunning Successes.




  • L - Lessons: Losing nearly always provides some lessons and some clues on how to improve. If you pay attention to the things that contributed to the loss, you can apply those lessons to future situations. Given time, you find the winning combination.
  • O - Obstacles - Losses are clearly obstacles. After all, your goal was to win or succeed. However, an obstacle might challenge you to improve or increase your determination to succeed. Used as mental and emotional leverage, a good obstacle can propel you to future victories.
  • S - Stunning - Losing can get you down and make you feel unworthy. In that dark moment of loss, remember to see what a stunning miracle you are. You are a diamond in the rough slowly being polished into something very special.
  • S - Successes - Success is that moment of break through when the journey of loss has been transformed into victory. The lessons, obstacles, and seeing how stunning you are kept you on track to enjoy the sweet taste of success.

So you see a loss is never loss. It's an opportunity, an invitation to a journey of self-discovery, stretching yourself, and new achievement.Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"