Tom Watson and Stewart Cink Taught Us All - The Affirmation Spot for Monday June 20, 2009

Ray's Daily Affirmation:

"My golf swing is pure, smooth, and consistent."(Choose from 100s mp3 affirmations at The Affirmation Spot)

[youtube=]This weekend's British Open - or The Open Championship as it's now called - provided drama and some wonderful life lessons. It reminded me again why sports is so important to so many people.Sports is really a microcosm life captured on a competitive stage. In our modern world, when the event is big enough that stage is open for all of us glean the magnificent lessons there to be had.As a Kansas City native, I have special place in my heart for Tom Watson. He is a great man who happens to also be a great golfer. He's done amazing things for Kansas City. No one is more deserving of the accolades he gained by stirring ghosts from our own pasts this weekend.I wish he had knocked down that putt on the 72nd hole and made the history he seemed destined to make today. Even though that did not happen we can learn a lot from courage, class, and tenacity this great champion showed in trying.I was going to write a piece on the lessons to be learned from Mr. Watson and Mr. Cink, but Heather at Real Women Golf blog beat me to it. It's a great article! Enjoy it.Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"