An Awareness Experiment Part III

sunrise7Over the past couple of weeks, I asked you to pay special attention to the negativity and disempowerment you encounter every day of your life.In Part I of the experiment, I asked you to observe the negativity in the people around you. In Part II, I asked you observe the disempowering, negative thoughts and comments you make on a daily basis.The point of this experiment was not to judge you or the people around you. Rather it was to make you aware of just how much negativity the average person generates in a day. Unless you are hanging with a way above average crowd, you probably experienced a lot of negativity once you really started watching for it.How about you? Did it surprise you how much negativity runs through your mind and crosses your lips on a daily basis? Don't panic! You're not sick or defective. You're a normal human being!For some reason, most human beings are set to the negativity channel by default. That's why self-improvement, self-help, and motivation are ever popular and always needed. For most of us, staying positive is a daily, live-long endeavor like exercise or eating right. It's not an event it's a process.The only way to change the equation is to get really conscious of your negativity and disempowerment and that of those around you - the point of this experiment - and take steps to counter that negativity.Even when you make the decision to focus on increasing your positivity you stlll battle your own habits, the sea of unhappiness and negativity that comes from those around you, and round the clock crisis coming from the media and leaders. It can leave you feeling helpless, negative, and disempowered.Why Does it Matter?So why does all of this matter? I mean that's the way it is, right? Well, it matters because when your thoughts are negative and powerless they create negative and powerless action. That kind of action causes your life to get out of control, your goals to go unattained, and, when multiplied across the planet, a very disempowered populace.Freedom, democracy, and the pursuit of happiness cannot happen when our thoughts and beliefs convince us the deck is stacked against us. That is magnified when it is reinforced by the people around us and the information we get in the media. We wind up giving up our power, giving up our freedoms, and becoming reliant on institutions to protect us from the shadow of constant fear projected on the walls of our consciousness. Our negative thinking convinces us that we are powerless to change things.Freedom persists only where there is an empowered citizenry that is aware, enlightened, informed, and able to act in its own interest. The possibility of growth and change in our personal lives is only possible when we have a positive, empowered vision of our future.Our negativity and disempowerment threatens our personal goals and the viability of a free society.What To DoMotivation expert Dr. Wayne Dyer discusses the power of our thoughts. are a number of things that can help turn this situation around.

  1. Awareness - the first thing is you have to be aware of the current situation within you and around you and be clear about it. In other words, you have to admit there is a problem. I've had people I work with on motivation tell me that negative thinking is not a problem for them. We have to get out of denial and recognize the need for change and that change is possible.
  2. Empower Your Thinking - you need to start with you. You cannot hope to make a difference for others until you are on the road to empowered, positive thinking. What are your goals, your dreams, your bliss? Do you even remember? Get clear on what you want to achieve and affirm it with affirmations and other techniques every single day. Catch your negative thinking when it happens and question and counter them with a positive alternative. There is a greatness within you. All you need to do is set it free!
  3. Help Those Around You - once you "wake up" and your perspective starts to shift positively, you'll really become aware of how much negativity others have and you understand how destructive it is to them. I don't think smoking, obesity, or alcohol are as damaging to someone as beliefs that make people believe less of themselves. Look for opportunities to help the people around you rethink their thinking. Help them shift from disempowered thinking about themselves and the world to empowered.
  4. Celebrate the Positive - too many people in our society firmly believe that negative thinking is somehow more realistic than positive thinking. This is a horrible recipe for positive change in a person or a society. If you watch, you will see how often positive thinking is ridiculed in the media. Be one who celebrates positivity. Be the person who picks others up on their bad days. Live for and demand a positive outcome in your life and in the world. Everything is possible. We should think and speak and act like it.
  5. Shut Out Negativity - lessen or eliminate your exposure to the negative. A careful examination quickly reveals that the media is hyper-focused on the negative - crisis after crisis. They are focused on what is wrong with you - you're poor, you're too fat, you're powerless. They seem to want to keep you afraid which is very disempowering. Know your limits. Being informed is a good thing, but shut out the negativity when you start to feel it having an effect on you.

More, much more, is possible for you and for all of us living here on this planet in this time and place. We have created marvels and yet believe ourselves to be less than. My hope in sharing this experiment and this dialogue was to help you realize both that there is a lot of negativity in your environment and within you, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, that you can do something to change it.Stay inspired and empowered!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.anunnaki_cover_full_colorHe is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 - Revelation - is now available in paperback and on Kindle. Can one woman really change the world? Can she expose a lie told for millennia? Can she make the future possible for two worlds?