An Awareness Experiment Part I

woman_confusedThis week we are going to conduct a little experiment. I hope you will participate. Despite the fact that both modern science and ancient wisdom confirm that our thoughts are very powerful things; many, many people still fail to grasp their significance.The words people say are often a window into the thinking that pervades their minds. Words are the outward expressions of thoughts and the next step forward in manifesting the reality - positive or negative - that thoughts create.This week I want you to pay special attention to all the negative and disempowered thinking around you. Pay attention to your family and friends. Pay attention to your leaders and the media. Listen for how often people articulate - even glorify - the negative side of things.Keep track of how many negative statements you hear in a day. Listen to how the people around you limit themselves, deprecate themselves, and hold themselves back through their thinking and their words. Pay attention to the reasons people give to justify their negative, disempowered thinking.How to proceed:

  1. Listen for all the "I can't...", "I'm not good at...", "I'll never...", "I'm not lucky at..." statements put out into the world by the people around you.
  2. Listen for negative self-judgments.
  3. Listen for catastrophe thinking in the media and among leaders.
  4. Watch how people respond to positive thinking or the suggestion that their negative perspective might be wrong.
  5. Watch how the media reacts to positive thinking or empowered thinking.
  6. Listen to how people justify negative, disempowered thinking - "realistic", "other people lucky", "I'm unlucky", "That's how things have always been.", etc.

This experiment is not meant to judge anyone. This is simply for you to become more aware of the mental environment you inhabit.Here are parts II and III of this experiment.An Awareness Experiment: Part IIAn Awareness Experiment: Part IIIStay inspired!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.anunnaki_cover_full_colorHe is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 - Revelation - is now available in paperback and on Kindle. Can one woman really change the world? Can she expose a lie told for millennia? Can she make the future possible for two worlds?