One in a Trillion Miracle - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday December 19, 2007

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Today's affirmation is:"Today I recognize the miracle that is me and the other miracles all around me."ggb_trafficjpg.gif Well it's Wednesday and in case you were thinking it is the middle of "just another week" here are some things to ponder.Someday we will all face the end of our walk in this form.Sometimes during the course of "just another week" we don't recognize how precious each moment is and how quickly all this is passing us by. We forget what a miracle it is that any of us are here at all.Have you ever really considered just how many unlikely things had to happen for YOU to be here, or, for that matter, for HERE to be here?Every single thing we see around us all day long every day was a one in a trillion shot. Each blade of grass, each cloud, each person, even the traffic jam you found yourself in on the way to work this morning - all are totally unlikely combinations that beat the long odds to burst into existence. That's nothing short of a miracle.grass1.gifSomeday when you do reach the end of this stage of your journey; this "just another week" may seem a lot more special than it does now. You may wish you had stopped to witness and marvel at the whole miraculous play.Today, make a point to see the miracles. Tell the person you care most about in this world that you love them and remind them that they are a miracle.And when you encounter the traffic jam on the way home this evening, breathe deeply and say, "Ah, yes. You are a miracle too." It won't get you home any faster, but it will make the ride more enjoyable.Enjoy a miraculous Wednesday!! Be peaceful Be prosperousRayThe Affirmation Spot
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