Give Yourself Some Credit - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday November 15, 2007
"We have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply we esteem too lightly."Thomas Painefrom "Common Sense" Paine's words reminds us how important it is to value our successes and the work it takes to achieve them.We live in an instant gratification-obsessed world. We want the shortest, simpliest, most effortless route to victory. That's not always a bad thing and I'm not suggesting that we purposely complicate our lives in some misguided attempt to build character.However, when everything comes too easily for us, we fail to fully appreciate it. We lose sight of the sacrifice and effort that creates lasting success. We skip the lessons to be learned along the road to victory. We miss the fulfillment that comes from struggling, but still progressing.Paine suggests that without the struggle we undervalue our accomplishments. He implies a natural human tendency to take for granted that which comes easily to us. You might call these easy accomplishments "blessings" or "luck" or "synchronicity" because they seem to fall into your lap. Look closer. You see that you have worked hard for these "easy accomplishments" as well. It may be subtle changes in you or your attitude toward life that suddenly makes an impossibility possible. The work and the change originated within you. So, what's the take away? Appreciate every step of the journey not only for the learning, but the scars earned. Relish your successes. Most of all, remember to give yourself the credit you are due for your accomplishments.Have a peaceful and prosperous Thursday.RayHere are the Top 10 affirmation downloads at The Affirmation Spot for the week of Friday November 2 through Thursday November 8. Thank you!#1 Wealth Creating Ideas#2 Wonderful World#3 Mind, Body, Spirit, Beautiful#4 Part of the Solution#5 Persistance and Enthusiasm Create Sales Success#6 Thrive on Pressure Situations#7 Great Writer Within#8 Good to My Body#9 Believe in My Selling Abilities#10 Attracting the Perfect MateThe tracback url for this blog is: