Two-Minute Vacation - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday November 14, 2007
Wednesday greetings,It's Wednesday. The stresses of the work week have been accumulating for three days now. You've got fires to put out and deadlines to meet. Take a quick break.Join me in a little exercise. It takes just two minutes and I guarantee it will bring peace to your day and smile to your face. You can do it right in your cube or office.I want you to think about the most beautiful place you have ever been. It might be Hawaii, the Caribbean, The Grand Canyon. Anywhere is fine as long as you make sure it is the most beautiful place you've ever seen.OK. Got it? Close your eyes and take a deep breath. For the next 30 seconds, I want to you to completely experience that place. Visualize the sites, hear the sounds, smell the there.Great! You probably feel a little better than you did 30 seconds ago. Let's continue.Now I want you think about some upcoming event or activity that has you a little nervous. It can be work-related or personal. OK. This time I want you to see yourself performing that task in the most successful way you can imagine. Put aside all your concerns and focus on the absolute best outcome.
Close your eyes again and take another deep breath. For the next 30 seconds, I want you to see yourself "knocking this one out of the park". Feel the successful outcome. Hear the kudos from colleagues, friends, or family. Be aware of the benefits that will come from this success. Enjoy your moment in the limelight.How are we doing? Are we smiling yet? Feeling more confident and relaxed?Last one. I want you to think about the one person in this world that you love the most. I want you to experience the feelings you feel when you get to spend an entire day uninterrupted with that person.
Close your eyes, deep know the routine. Feel the feelings you feel when you are around this person. Let those wonderful feelings fill your heart, stir in your gut, or well in your eyes. Let the warmth you feel inside spread to the rest of your body. Remember the good times you've spent together. That time at the beach...the time you got caught in the rain...the time you painted the house...whatever good memories come up.Open your eyes. I'll bet you feel happier, more relaxed, and that a smile has come to your face. Now, get on with your day and keep these feelings with you no matter what you face.Have a peaceful and productive Wednesday!RayHere are the Top 10 affirmation downloads at The Affirmation Spot for the week of Friday November 2 through Thursday November 8. Thank you!#1 Wealth Creating Ideas#2 Wonderful World#3 Mind, Body, Spirit, Beautiful#4 Part of the Solution#5 Persistance and Enthusiasm Create Sales Success#6 Thrive on Pressure Situations#7 Great Writer Within#8 Good to My Body#9 Believe in My Selling Abilities#10 Attracting the Perfect MateThe tracback url for this blog is: