Defying Gravity - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday October 16, 2007

Greetings and a pleasant Tuesday to each of you! I was listening to my mp3 player at work today and had it set to one of my favorite pick-me-up genres - musicals. There have been some incredible songs written for American theatre over the years and I really enjoy listening to the old Rodgers and Hammerstein right through the most current

The song Defying Gravity from the show "Wicked" was playing. I have always liked the song, but had never thoroughly listened to the words until today. They are powerful words for anyone in the process of charting a new course in life. Whether you are starting a new business, pursuing an artistic career against the odds, or just want to break free of some old thinking; these words definitely inspire.

Listen to the words closely. I promise they will inspire.

Have a peaceful and prosperous Tuesday and don't be afraid to defy gravity today!
