Powerful Fill in the Blank Affirmation

Todays' affirmation asks you to fill in the blank. Afterall, your dreams are yours and sometimes the words that create the actions that create the life must be very specific.

Use this template to create this affirmation for yourself. Write it down and post it where you can see it all week or say it to yourself all week. I'm willing to bet that by the end of the week, if you are consistent,  circumstances bringing you closer to achieving the goal will be have manifested.

"I dream of becoming/being ________. My dream is coming true. I feel what it is like to be ___________. I can taste it! I envision my life as _________. I hear and see how others respond to me as ________. My dream of becoming/being ________ is an unstoppable reality."

Fill in the blank with whatever your primary goal is right now...a great football player, a famous writer, a great actress, a world-class dancer, or a slim body.

Make this affirmation your own, use it regularly, and watch it transform your life.