100% Committed to My Purpose Affirmation

Today's Affirmation

Today I am 100% committed to finding out who I am capable of being. I am here to achieve amazing things!

Who are you, really? Why are you here on planet earth right now? What’s your purpose? These are big questions with important implications in this life and perhaps beyond. Yet, they can be relegated to the bottom of your priority list in an instant and stay there for years, decades, a lifetime. You can come and go and never really dig into the significance of your existence.

You work extremely hard in this fast-paced modern world. It's easy to become overwhelmed by it all and shift into autopilot where any goals outside work are concerned. Whether it’s a corporate job or your own business, the constant push to reach the next goal or hit that deadline takes its toll. It can consume your energy and attention.

Then there are family responsibilities, friends, unexpected life challenges that take more time and energy. Some of these things are very enjoyable and may even play into your life’s purpose, but they also help squeeze out that “you time” that would allow you to contemplate and act on the mission in your heart.

It can seem like your dreams can only be achieved around the edges after everything else is done. Since there’s often no energy or time left there, it’s easy to become complacent, play it safe, and convince yourself that they don’t really matter anyway.

Today’s affirmation encourages you and reminds you that you must commit to taking the time and making the time for your innermost search for meaning and purpose.

You deserve to take a breath and a well-deserved break from the constant race from here to there. You deserve to touch base with you; to plan and to dream. You even deserve to do it sometimes before everything else is done and everyone else is satisfied. It’s called putting you first sometimes. It’s not a crime nor a sin, as you might have heard. It’s not selfish. It’s the right of every human being to put the responsibilities and everyone else’s priorities aside from time to time and indulge in your own.

You - and every other person on this planet - are a uniquely special person here to do uniquely special things. You don't have to settle for the mundane, predictable, and painful. You can shoot for the stars. The ride costs the same either way.

You can start with this affirmation. Sometime today make a few minutes, say to the affirmation quietly 10-15 times, "I am 100% committed to finding out who I am capable of being. I am here to achieve amazing things."

Oddly enough, you will find that when you commit to that course the people and the circumstances conspire to help you reach your objectives.

Make today peaceful, positive, and prosperous!
