Roadblocks Are Shortcuts - The Affirmation Spot for Friday September 28, 2007

Today's affirmation is:"Roadblocks are simply shortcuts to something better than I had planned."Today's affirmation is a testament to our ability, indeed, our necessity to turn life's obstacles into opportunities. There is an old saying that life is what happens to us on the way to our dreams. We think we are so smart and we have it all figured out and yet life, inevitably, throws us for a loop.We have a choice. We can sit and pout because things didn't turn out as we'd scripted them. Or, we can push forward with renewed determination. Sometimes - as much as we hate to admit it - the universe's wisdom is sounder than our own. The very thing that messed up our perfected plans can be the key that unlocks whole new possibilities.However, we cannot find the key as long as we view the detour as a curse rather than as the blessing that it truly is.May your day be filled with roadblocks ready to transform into shortcuts to your success and happiness.Peace...RayThe Affirmation Spot Website