Dreaming While Awake - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday September 19, 2007
Today's thought:
Sleeping dreams are for dreaming. Waking dreams are for living!
Many people think dreams are only experienced while we sleep. A few enlightened souls recognize that dreams happen only when we become fully awake.
among the palms
Of course, your awakening occurs gradually over the course of your life or lives (depending on your belief). Some days it's two steps forward and three steps back. Some days the chaos and the noise around you obscures the mountain summit where your dreams live. However, the more you commit to your own awakening; the more you make it the focus of your life; the more clearly your dreams come into view and come to fruition.
A dream fed is dream sped.
Feed a dream. Starve a doubt.
You may seem to be treading water, treading water, treading water, and then one day you realize you have slipped right into living your dream. There is a kind of unconsciousness about the last step that allows you to ease right into a life you only, well, “dreamed” about.
Today, no matter what physical or psychological weather you face in your life; keep treading, keep dreaming, and stay focused. Your dreams can be yours. Many years ago, my wife and I went for a walk along the lake in our little town. The nicest subdivision in town is next to the lake. We were looking at the houses, dreaming, and asking, "Wouldn't it be nice if...?"
We didn't get up every day thinking about that dream. We got up and did the little things we needed to do to advance our careers and become the people we came here to be. We'd occasionally drive through the lake and say, "Wouldn't it be nice if...?"
Some have called this dream building. We kept planting that little seed and putting it out there into the Universe, without obsessing over it. About five years later, we decided to buy a house in town. We were shocked and surprised to find that a house in the lake subdivision was open and that we were able to swing the payment. That little seed we had planted firmly in our unconscious minds five years before, as a dream, had come to fruition.
Sleep is for rest. Your dreams are meant to be experienced with eyes wide open. Go and live the life that wakes you up at two in the morning. It is waking you for a reason!
Have a peaceful and prosperous Wednesday!