Entrepreneur/Business Owner Affirmation: Attracting New Customers

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Good Tuesday morning to everyone, especially the business owners and entrepreneurs.

You started your business because you have a product or an idea you believe can change the world and the lives of people for the better. You’re at it 12, 15, 18 hours a day, trying to get the world to hear how important your offer is.

Some days it feels like you’re beating your head literally against a wall. No one seems to be hearing your message, even though you know how much they’d benefit.

This affirmation is meant to provide assurance and confidence that as you keep doing your thing day after day, the world will begin listening.

Customers are finding you and are on their way to you right now. You’re already in a state of gratitude for your ability to serve them.

When you’re feeling like things aren’t moving forward, say this affirmation to yourself 10 times, first thing in the morning, for several days. Watch as those customers suddenly start showing up right on time.