TAS Quote of the Day - June 24, 2020 (Lisa Nichols Quote)

The Affirmation Spot.png

TAS Quote of the Day


Michio Kaku was born on January 24, 1947 to Japanese parents of Tibetan ancestry. His grandfather immigrated to the United States to help with the 1906 cleanup operation for the San Francisco Earthquake.

Best known in the world of theoretical physicists, Michio Kaku is the City College of New York’s Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics. 

He is a futurist, a great communicator, and a popularizer of science. He is the author of several physics-related books such as Physics of the Impossible published in 2008, and Physics of the Future published in 2011. Michio Kaku has appeared in several television programs, radio programs, films, and makes his work available through his online blogs. (bio from famousscientists.org)

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below about this quote.

All the people in your life are truly doing the best they can with what they have. People can only love you to the capacity that they are able to love themselves. They can only forgive and embrace you to the capacity that they are able to forgive and embrace themselves. They can only give you what they have the capacity to give. You may think that you deserve more, and you may be correct. But that means nothing if a person simply doesn’t have the ability to give it to you.

~Lisa Nichols