TAS Quote of the Day - June 9, 2020

Today’s thought is a quote about Universal Basic Income (UBI). It’s by Annie Lowrey, a journalist at The Atlantic. The quote comes from her book titled Give People Money: How Universal Basic Income Could Change the Future--For the Rich, the Poor, and Everyone in Between.
UBI is not a salve for a world of technological unemployment, or a powerful antipoverty measure, or a form of social dividend, or a way to boost the earnings of the working poor. Rather, it is all those things and more: a paradigmatic shift that would free people from having to do more work that they did not want to do at all. A UBI would, in essence, lop off the bottom of the psychologist Abraham Maslow's 'hierarchy of needs', where air, food, water, and shelter reside, with self-transcendence up at the other end. A UBI would give people the economic bandwidth to do what they wanted with their lives... Let the robots do the dirty work. Let the people do what they want.
What are your thoughts on UBI? Do you love it, think it’s a terrible idea, or still learning about it?

TAS Quote of The Day - July 7, 2021 (Russell Brand)
Quote of the DayRay DavisTAS Quote of the Day, TAS Thought of the Day, quotes by women, Annie Lowrey QuotesComment