Successful Entrepreneur Affirmations

Successful Entrepreneur Affirmations

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Length: 23:57

This audio contains affirmations for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and small business owners. The affirmations are meant to be listened to regularly for maximum results. The affirmations are set to relaxing back up music and a 528 Hz tone meant to add extra calming and healing when listening to the affirmations.

The following affirmations are included.

  1. I am great entrepreneur.

  2. My business grows rapidly every day.

  3. Every day more people are seeing the value I bring to the marketplace.

  4. My business is growing by word-of-mouth.

  5. My business is growing online.

  6. My business is growing by referrals.

  7. I am attracting the right customers and more of them every day.

  8. I keep doing the right things right and that pays off for me.

  9. I see results in greater brand recognition and revenue growth.

  10. I am smart business person.

  11. I make smart business decisions.

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