Nothing Is Ever Lost - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday December 12, 2007 Affirmation of the Day, Inspiration, life, Poetry, Positive Thinking, psychology, self-improvement, spiritualityDecember 12, 2007affirmations, attitude, audio affirmations, baseball, baseball glove, change, downloadable, happiness, lost, mp3, nothing, past, poems, power, present, remembering Comments
The Promise of New Life - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday December 11, 2007 Affirmation of the Day, Determination, Entrepreneur, Health, Hope, Ideas, Inspiration, life, MP3 Affirmation, Personal Growth, Positive Thinking, psychology, self-improvement, Self-Motivation, spirituality, Success, Thought of the DayDecember 11, 2007affirmation downloads, affirmations, attitude, audio affirmations, change, cylces, mp3 affirmations, new life, positive affirmations, promise, seasons, struggleComment
A Self-Confidence Manifesto - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday November 29, 2007 Affirmation of the Day, affirmations, Determination, Dreams, goals, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Letting Go, life, Mental Health, Opportunity, Peace of Mind, Personal Growth, Positive Thinking, Prosperity, psychology, Self-Motivation, Serenity, spirituality, Stress Reduction, Success, Success ToolsNovember 29, 2007career, happiness, manifesto, meditation, peace, possibility, prayer, relationships, releasing, self-confidence, self-improvement, strengthComment