A Self-Confidence Manifesto - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday November 29, 2007

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I plan to record this and add it to the website in the near future, but decided to share the text today. If you read this to yourself, you can feel your confidence rising and your stress melting away. Why a manifesto? This self-dialogue is full of self-declarations of your readiness to move forward to healing, success, peace, or whatever your immediate goals are.candle1.jpgThe first key is to realize that you have the courage, the wisdom and the strength within you to make the changes you want to make in your life; to bring about the healing you seek. For, in truth your healing comes from within. Others may facilitate or act as mediators, but it is the healer within you that is bringing about the miracle you are receiving right now. Know this deeply.Focus your healing energies on bringing about an end to your suffering. This healing is occurring within you right now. It is not far off in the future. Your healing is a reality right now in this moment. You are experiencing a complete healing. Your mind, body, emotions, and spirit are all benefiting. Joy is increasing and expanding in your life exponentially. Your horizons are growing brighter and brighter. You are opening your heart and your mind to possibilities you had never before considered. Right now you are accepting that anything and everything is possible for you. You understand that the circumstances in your life are always perfect to create the highest version of yourself. Your tools, your gifts, and your talents are more than enough to create a life of abundant success and happiness. Feel the joy increasing in your life. Feel your confidence rising. There is no situation you cannot handle. There are no limits to what you can achieve. Nothing can occur that you can't learn from and turn to your advantage. As your joy increases and your happiness manifests; there is less room for fear in your life, less room for self-doubt. These aspects of yourself are clearly decreasing in your life. In fact, you are, as I speak, releasing your fears, releasing your self-doubt. They serve no purpose in your life. So you are releasing them and letting them go. You are successful. You think like a success, you talk like a success, you act like a success. You are a success!  Your success is complete; encompassing all aspects of your life. Your spiritual life is a success, your career is a success, and your relationships are a success. You are a success. And success means progress in every area of your life. You are releasing the habitual patterns of thought and action that have held you back in the past. You are releasing thoughts and actions that limit you in any way, shape, or form. By releasing these limiting patterns in your life; you are now completely free to live your life in this moment and to create your highest good in the here and now. You are determined to be fully present in the experience of now. You are intuitive, creative, and spontaneous in creating your new life - each moment, each day.Feel the harmony, strength, and confidence this knowing creates deep within you. You are becoming the person you always knew you could be right this moment! Peace...RayThe Affirmation Spot.com The tracback url for this blog is: http://theaffirmationspot.wordpress.com/2007/11/29/a-self-confidence-manifesto-the-affirmation-spot-for-thursday-november-29-2007/ Health Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory Blog Directory & Search engine Bloglisting.net - The internets fastest growing blog directory Add to Technorati Favorites add to del.icio.us :: Add to Blinkslist :: add to furl :: Digg it :: add to ma.gnolia :: Stumble It! :: add to simpy :: seed the vine :: :: :: TailRank