Be Your Coach Not Your Critic


Be a coach, not a critic.

There's no doubt that we all need a kick in the pants from time to time to keep us driven and focused. Self-discipline and self-reflection are keys to the pursuit of success and happiness.

Many of us learned early in life to be our own worst critics. I'm not completely sure of the psychology behind it; whether it's nature, nurture, or some combination thereof. The thing is many of us allow that inner critic to speak to us and treat us in ways we'd never allow another person to do.

Power hack: Coach yourself up don't beat yourself up. I want you to fire the inner critic and hire the best coach you can ever have - YOU.

Instead of mindlessly and destructively criticizing yourself to defeat, coach yourself to victory.

To be a good leader, start by leading yourself well. Rather than going into critical mode, try Balanced Feedback.

Ask yourself:

  1. What did I like about what I did?

  2. What would you do differently next time.

  3. Close with an affirmation or a positive pep-talk.

Shush the critic and bring on the coach!

Have a great day, my friends!


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