How to Make a Great First Impression

8 Ways to Make a Great First Impression

  1. Make Eye Contact - eye contact, in the right proportion, shows confidence and trustworthiness. On the other hand, avoiding eye contact can show lack of confidence or lack of trustworthiness. Research shows that about 60 percent eye contact is the right mix. You don’t want to stare, but make healthy, confident eye contact.

  2. Smile - smiles are infectious. They tend to drop our guards. A sincere smile opens the door to further communication and is memorable after the interaction.

  3. Be Yourself - be confident in who you are and don’t seek to be someone you’re not. Be authentically you. Faking it will be found out eventually. Being yourself also has the added benefit of only solidifying relationships with people who really connect with you and vice versa.

  4. Be Genuinely Curious - people love talking about themselves more than they love talking about you. It’s just a fact. Ask about them, their lives, and their goals. Again, be authentic. Really want to know about them and they will remember your favorably.

  5. Body Language - It really makes a difference in how people perceive you. Stand up straight, shoulders back, and head up. Sit comfortably and use and rest your hands comfortably when you speak.

  6. Be Brave - you just met this person. Almost regardless of the situation, there’s nothing life or death about the interaction. You’re both free to move on. Be willing to risk making the connection. If it works, something amazing could result. If not, next!

  7. Have a Plan - it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead. If it’s a situation where research is possible, do it. However, it may be as simple as having four or five topics you to discuss to avoid feeling at a lack of something to say.

  8. No Pressure - first meetings are all gain and no loss. You’ll either make a connection or you won’t. No matter how good of an impression you make, you may not be someone’s cup of tea and they may not be yours. Be open to that. Be Ok with it and move on.


First Impression Affirmations


You always want to make a great first impression. Often more important, though, is the impression you make after that first impression. Do you deliver? Do you make people glad they chose you?

These affirmations encourage you and remind you to make that great first impression, but also do what it takes to create a great long-term relationship. Those attributes are reliability and trustworthiness.

The Affirmations

  • I always make a great first impressions.

  • I back that up by doing what I promise.

  • People learn quickly they can rely on me and trust me.

  • I make people glad they chose me.

Note: The audio version is longer than the video and includes more repetitions of the affirmations.