Does Using Affirmations Make Me a Narcissist?

Absolutely not!

Some people struggle when they start using affirmations. They have to get over years of conditioning that tells them they're lowly or not worthy or that "good people" don't think well of themselves. It's arrogant or shows hubris to do so. I’ve even heard people say that it’s somehow sinful.

Nonsense! This is the self-talk of people who had no ambition, no dreams, no self-worth projecting those characteristics onto you and they're often very good at that. Affirmations are not about becoming a narcissist or putting yourself above others. They are a tool to help you believe the best - or at least a little better - about you. They are a tool to help you see progress in your future. They are a tool help you replace old disempowering thoughts with new thoughts that serve you and your aspirations.

They can help you find the courage to be a better parent, a better entrepreneur, a person who pursues their dreams, a person lives by yes and can rather than no and can't, and the best human being you're capable of being.

Your mind is the most immediate and powerful tool you have to shift the ground under your feet, build new paradigms about your life, and change your circumstances beginning right now. Seize that and own it.

So, please never let anyone tell you there’s something wrong with thinking good things about yourself. You are a one-in-a-trillion miracle and heir to this abundant universe. That’s who you really are. Regardless of how many years it took for you to hear it. You can begin with one better thought right here, right now.

Put your mind on your side!
