Four Affirmations for Imposter Syndrome

Good evening, fellow affirmers!

Do you ever experience a feeling that you’re faking it? That your accomplishments aren’t that impressive and if people knew the truth, you’d be exposed as a fraud?

If so, you’ve probably experienced what’s known as imposter syndrome. It’s that sinking feeling that the whole world is about to find out that you’re not as confident and competent as you appear on the surface.

Researchers believe that as much as 70 percent of the population has felt this way at one time or another. Surprisingly, many highly successful people share the gripping fear of this syndrome. According to Web M.D., no less than Albert Einstein, Serena Williams, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lopez, and Tom Hanks have been plagued with this extreme form of self-doubt. So, if you’ve had it, you’re amazing company.

The sweet spot for affirmations is in countering these kinds of negative, debilitating beliefs. Here are four affirmations for the next time it creeps up on you.

  1. I am a talented, accomplished, and capable human being.

  2. I have created amazing results in my life.

  3. I have earned what I have, and I deserve it.

  4. I give myself credit for my many achievements.

Some days even your own mind works against you. Get it back on your side by affirming words and beliefs that push the negative out and let the positive shine through. In this case, it has the extra benefit of being absolutely true. You are amazing and never forget it.

Have you experienced imposter syndrome? Tell me about it in the comments below.
