101 Uses for Affirmations

Today’s Affirmation

Whatever goal or dream I choose to pursue, I find success.

“You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and consciously use your power.”

~Louise Hay

Affirmations are such an underutilized tool in our society. Many people have mistakenly associated them with just a few areas of life – self-development, recovery, or sales. The fact is they are a simple and effective tool for improving nearly any area of your life where you want to improve or acheive.

Affirmations are the thought part of the equation. They must be supported by action. Remember, a mind practicing empowered thinking is much more apt to take the actions that make dreams so.

Here are 101 ways to use affirmations to get you started.


  1. Empower your thinking

  2. Empower action in your life

  3. Improve your golf swing

  4. Develop your confidence

  5. Advance your career

  6. Exceed your quota

  7. Experience more peace

  8. Win more games

  9. Become a better public speaker

  10. Become a better student

  11. Build your self-esteem

  12. Successfully battle addictions

  13. Live more happily

  14. Focus on your goals

  15. Achieve your goals

  16. Become a better musician

  17. Become a better shortstop

  18. Become a better gymnast

  19. Deepen your faith

  20. Stay motivated in the face of difficulty

  21. Improve creativity

  22. Give yourself some credit

  23. Attract a better job

  24. Become a better quarterback

  25. Become a better dancer

  26. Become a better free throw shooter

  27. Enhance your trust in yourself

  28. Enhance your trust in the Universe

  29. Enhance your trust in God

  30. Achieve more

  31. Strengthen your commitment to your relationships

  32. Improve your tennis serve

  33. Commit to and achieve weight loss

  34. Commit to an exercise program

  35. Improve your cooking

  36. Become a faster swimmer

  37. Write your best

  38. Challenge yourself

  39. Gain inspiration for your painting

  40. Build a more successful business

  41. Increase your sales

  42. Help you appreciate life

  43. Develop new skills

  44. Become a better skier

  45. Become a hockey player

  46. Become a more successful author

  47. Help you pursue your dreams of a singing career

  48. Deal with stress

  49. Handle adversity

  50. Become a better engineer

  51. Connect to your audience

  52. Pursue your acting dreams

  53. Be the best coach

  54. Start over

  55. Try something new

  56. Experience more love

  57. Feel more joy

  58. Find encouragement

  59. Encourage growth

  60. Become a better engineer

  61. Take charge of your dreams

  62. Become a better pitcher

  63. Improve your putting

  64. Envision a better life

  65. Stay organized

  66. Get more done

  67. Become a better preacher

  68. Write your great novel

  69. Paint your great painting

  70. Develop a sense of purpose

  71. Develop more wisdom

  72. Become a better volleyball player

  73. Become a better architect

  74. Age gracefully

  75. Enjoy life

  76. Become a better poet

  77. Assume leadership confidently

  78. Be your best

  79. Change direction in life

  80. Calm down

  81. Become a better lawyer

  82. See the beauty in life

  83. Become a better teacher

  84. Appreciate nature

  85. Remind you that you have choices

  86. Get control of your finances

  87. Become a better salesperson

  88. Make more time for you

  89. Succeed more often

  90. Become a stronger person

  91. Become a better manager

  92. Inspire others

  93. Make a difference

  94. Become a better right fielder

  95. Improve your gardening

  96. Make time for leisure

  97. Achieve relaxation

  98. Become a better police officer

  99. Attract business opportunities

  100. Make peace with money

  101. Fine-tune practically any skill