A New Level of Thinking

We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.

~Albert Einstein

This is among my all-time favorite quotes. I say it to myself several times each week. There’s a fundamental truth in it.

Whether we’re talking about the planet, a country, a company, or our personal lives; the way we thought yesterday probably won’t keep up with today. It certainly will not take us to the next level. If your goal is to get to the next level, whatever that means for you, your thinking must rise to meet the challenge.

What old, limiting thoughts do you need to release? What new ideas do you need to consider? What traps in your thinking have you fallen into in the past that you choose to side-step today?

This Morning’s Affirmation

I embrace better, higher thinking today than ever before. I consider ideas and possibilities I had never considered. I put my wisdom, my resources, and my effort into finding better solutions to life than I did yesterday.

Wherever you are on your journey today, keep your mind on your side.
